Our Goals The Founders of the Association for Women's Career Development in Hungary (AWCDH) identified the need for a non-governmental organisation for promoting women's equality focusing on the harmonisation of the interest representation of women and organisations dealing with women's issues, undertaking an active role in forming the common positions, endorsing a more characteristic representation of women's interests, paying special attention to promoting equal opportunities to women active in the strategic sectors by drawing attention to the need of implementation of the recommendations and directives both of the European Union and the United Nations and the furthering the realization of the objectives set out in the European Employment Strategy.
Based on the above mentioned the objectives of the AWCDH are to further the equality of women in the field of career development and to provide support to women in order to reach senior leadership positions by communicating and promoting the implementation of the EU-requirements.
When a woman's career possibilities are limited we aim to help them with information, consultation, education and all other available means to improve their positions in the political decision making and in the labour market.
We want to improve their career development potential because their capabilities and values are important for individual success, for the organisation and for society as a whole.
As the reconciliation of work, private and family life gains growing importance in the life of women it is essential to provide appropriate information at all time to women of different ages, leading their lives is various situations and having diverse social status to encourage their independent decision-making about their own careers according to their talents.
The AWCDH aims to advance the dialogue between legislation, government, profit- and non-profit sphere and academics and all potential stakeholders of AWCDH. In realizing its objectives AWCDH endeavours to bring forward all valuable foreign best practices and adopt them within the Hungarian historic and cultural framework. AWCDH will also make efforts to present the Hungarian practices abroad by utilizing its network within the European Union and the United Nations.
Mission: To further the equality of women in the field of career development and to provide support to women in order to reach senior leadership positions by communicating and promoting the implementation of the EU-requirements and UN-recommendations.
The objectives of the AWCDH are defined in the spirit of the national development goals, the laws on equality, the EU-directives, the corresponding UN Strategies and the European Employment Strategy.
The AWCDH undertakes the provision of following public utility services which are available not exclusively for its members: - Training and education, skills development and knowledge transfer (based on the 26§ section c.) point 4 of CLVI Act of 1997 on Public Utility Organisations )
- Furthering of training and employment of groups disadvantaged at the labour market. (based on the 26§ section c.) point 18 of CLVI Act of 1997 on Public Utility Organisations )
Promotion of euro-atlantic integration (based on the 26§ section c.) point 26 of CLVI Act of 1997 on Public Utility Organisations ) - Promotion of euro-atlantic integration (based on the 26§ section c.) point 26 of CLVI Act of 1997 on Public Utility Organisations )
Our tasks AWCDH undertakes to carry out following activities by the voluntary contribution and co-operation of its members free of charge:
- Drawing up and publishing Statements involving women's equal opportunities issues.
- The development of strategies and programmes for Equal Opportunities.
- Training for Equal Opportunities.
- Training and consultancy for HR leaders of the profit and non-profit sphere, the public administration area and the law-enforcement, security and military field.
- Training and consultancy for women mayors and civil organization leaders in order to improve the efficiency of their lobbying capabilities.
- Organization of conferences and trainings.
- Publishing training materials and books.
- Operation of internet-based Hungarian and International Trainer and Speaker database.
- Assistance in solving employment problems for women above 40 and young mothers returing back from maternity leave.
- Assistance in improving home-office, location-free jobs and distance work opportunities.
- Assistance in integration of women belonging to ethnic minorities and immigrant women in the employment market in order to help them overcome negative discrimination.
- Assistance in integrating women with disabilities in the employment market in order to help them overcome negative discrimination.
- Development of International Networks for Euro-Atlantic cooperation.
- Operation and Development of Internet networking opportunities.
- Consultancy in professional orientation, job-seeking, career development and employment services.
- PR and HR strategies for Women's Equal Opportunities Programs.
- Cultural and Sport Programs.
- Foundation of Awards and execution of surveys.
- Forming of regional, professional, partner, EU and UN Sections to the goal-oriented fulfilment of the mission of AWCDH