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  Magyar Női Karrierfejlesztési Szövetség

Magyarul  In English

The Association for Women’s Career Development in Hungary (AWCDH) has launched a series of conferences in 2006 to direct public and political attention to women with disabilities as a group especially exposed to discrimination and social exclusion.

In 2010 we aimed to provide information on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and to demonstrate Hungary’s engagement in their implementation as well as to present international best practices in this field.

The event served as a forum with all stakeholders to introduce and debate the new national conception of promoting the employment of persons with disabilities and reduced work capacity.

Magyar Női Karrierfejlesztési Szövetség © 2008      Honlapkészítés:
Az MNKSZ honlapjainak fejlesztését és karbantartását a Nemzeti Együttműködési Alap támogatja